Peter´s Corners  Akea page.


Akea´s kennel in Vilhelmina, lappland and it´s owner Hans-Göran Wahlström, kenneln has been active since 1979. Akea´s kennel is a german shepard och Golden retriever kennel, and it´s a great kennel. Hans-Göran is well known among dog people in sweden and europe and he´s been active with breeding for 35 yrs, he´s one of the real pioneers in that area. In a nearby building, Hans-Göran has his doghotel wich contains 9 dogspaces, all with klinkers and god spaces outside.

In Hans-Görans koncept there are as well Akea´s hund och kamratförening wich is the only union in Sweden who works with the police and trains lavindogs. Except this i can tell that he´s an educated instruktor and judge in the most categories as for instance rescuedogs and daily training, plus that he educates for instance policedogs etc.

He´s carrier on the field aint either to be ashamed for, he has got vitctories and prices for he´s achivements that would make almost anyone envy him. Om ni vill komma i kontakt med honom för If you would like to get in touch with him, please e-mail me, and i will deliever your request to him, so that he can contact you.

For you out there who´s got any knowledge about succesful swedish dogs i can name a coupple of his dogs that will speak for themself. There was Akea, the first german shepard in the line of many, the founder of his kennel. Akea´s Nitro, the old one, that was always hard to beat in the most events. Akea´s X-tra, well his at least my favourite because i raised him from a puppy to about 1 yrs of age. Thats the 3 dogs that i believe some of you´ve heard about..